“The FIA must become the leading motorsport and mobility voice in the world, supporting our members to grow and meet the challenges we face”

Geneva, 02 Sept 2021 – Speaking on the occasion of the 125th Anniversary of the Touring Club Suisse (TCS), Mohammed ben Sulayem has outlined his vision and key initiatives for the presidency of the FIA if elected in the December 17 election.
In the presence of the leaders from some of Europe’s leading member clubs, Ben Sulayem reiterated the fundamental points that have led him to stand for the FIA’s highest office:
“The reason I am putting myself forward is my firm conviction that although the platform FIA has built over the years is a strong one, there are very significant changes in the world that require us to respond differently as a Federation,” said the 59-year-old Emirati
“We must show leadership,” he added, “and together we have to take steps forward to respond to the challenges these changes present. I have been involved in the FIA all my adult life. It has given me much – as a rally driver, a club president and then as a Vice President for both Mobility and Sport, and I believe it is time for me to give back.”
The presidential candidate, the first non-European to stand for this post, said the FIA is at the center of a series of seismic changes that affect all car drivers, and motorsport competitors. Climate change, sustainability, the need to get more young people into motorsport, mobility usage and electrification are just some of the challenges the FIA and its member clubs face in this post-pandemic world.
“We now no longer lead, but we adapt and follow,” said the former rally champion of the Middle East, adding that: “To rise to these challenges, we should stop being considered ‘just’ a sporting federation (with some road-safety goodwill initiatives), but place the consumer and the member at the heart of Mobility and Motorsports.”
Ben Sulayem is in no doubt that, the Federation is the best-placed organization to tackle these challenges and turn them into opportunities: “The FIA must become the leading motorsport and mobility voice in the world, supporting our members to grow and meet the challenges we face”, he said.
Increasing the collaboration between the sports and mobility arms of the FIA is, for Ben Sulayem, the first and fundamental step in the building of a lean, business driven, responsive and innovative Federation with a focus on advocacy and growth. This will also require the FIA to become knowledge-led with increased investment in research and education.
Thus, the FIA should become the unified consumers’ voice in the face of global authorities and regulators. It should also provide a clear national and regional affordable range of motorsports to feed the pyramid from local to elite. This in turn will provide long-term revenues for the FIA, promoters, and the teams he explained.
The presidential candidate also turned his attention to creating a more business-minded approach within the FIA by suggesting the introduction of a revised governance framework, with more power on the World Councils, jointly driving the long-term strategy. The Senate, acting as the supervisory board, will oversee the implementation of policy.
Ben Sulayem concluded his speech saying that: “My campaign is called ‘FIA for Members’ because I believe that is what it should be for. We must also genuinely empower the regions, ensuring there is professional management in place. I also believe passionately in increasing diversity across the FIA, harnessing it to grow our membership and fan base.”
Joining Ben Sulayem at the Geneva event was Deputy President Candidates Robert Reid (Sport), Tim Sherman (Mobility) and FIA Senate President Candidate Carmelo Sanz de Barros.